RAF-STL relies on charitable donations and advertising revenues from the use of a nonprofit commercial license. As a non-profit organization, we can only sell 72 minutes of paid advertising per day. In addition to advertising, our station is funded through underwriting, donations and promotional activities. Please support our advertisers generously! They are critical to the mission of RAF-STL.
Advertisers (current as of April 2015)
Alexandra Ballet
Alliance Francais de St. Louis
Anne Akiko Meyers
Anne Hannigan, Attorney
ARCA (Assisted Recovery Centers of America)
Art Gallery of Hog Hollow
Artist Presentation Society
Bach Society of St. Louis
Belleville Philharmonic Orchestra
Central Presbyterian Church
CHARIS Women’s Chorus
City Arch River
Compton Heights Concert Band
Dance St. Louis
Dances of India
Dave Tree Service
Delmar Gardens
Edison Theatre
Elleard Heffern Jewelers
Ethical Society
Fair Shares
First Presbyterian Church
Fox Theatre
Franciscan Sisters of Mary
German School of Greater St. Louis
Gray, Ritter, & Graham P.C.
Greater St. Louis Art Association
Hilliker Corporation
Insight Theatre
Jewish Light
Kiefer/Bonfanti Accounting
Kingsbury Ensembles
Ladue News
Lakeside Exteriors
Lee Institute at Ladue Chapel
Lindenwood University
Link Auction Gallery
Lutheran Senior Services
Mary Pillsbury Jewelry
Maryville University of St. Louis
Masterworks Chorale & Childrens Choruses
Metropolitan Orchestra
Missouri Women’s Chorus
Muny Opera
Mustard Seed Theatre
Opera Theatre of St. Louis
Peabody Opera House
Peter and Paul Community Services
Repertory Theatre of St. Louis
Rolling Ridge Christmas Show
Saint Louis Art Museum
Saint Louis Classical Guitar Society
Saint Louis University Museum of Art
Second Presbyterian Church
Shubert Design Furniture
St. Austin School
St. Charles Convention and Visitors Bureau
St. Louis Cathedral Concerts
St. Louis Chamber Chorus
St. Louis Children’s Chorus
St. Louis Christmas Carol Association
St. Louis Civic Orchestra
St. Louis HOPE Chorale
St. Louis Mercantile Library
St. Louis Metro Singers
St. Louis Speaker Series
St. Louis Symphony
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
Steinway Piano Gallery
Taiwanese Association of America
Telle Tire
The Church of St. Michael & St. George
The Dark Room
The Sheldon
The Silk Foundation
The Willows at Brooking Park
Thomas J. SanFilippo & Associates
Three French Hens
Tim Jansen Concert
Touhill Performing Arts Center
Union Avenue Opera
Washington University
Webster University
Winter Opera St. Louis